Sunday, 24 January 2021

Out of league essay: women are raising a family with a career


More and more women are raising a family with a career. Please give your suggestions on a personal level and national level.

Author: Ritender Kaur (an online student)

It is an irrefutable fact that raising a family along with a career by women, in this contemporary world, is an integral part of the society. Considering this scenario, this essay will ascertain the positive effects of this trend on a personal level before outlining the positive take-aways on a national level.

There are a number of positive impacts of raising a family and working full time for women on a personal level. First and foremost, being a role model for her children could be the main effect to be considered. It is generally seen that when a woman goes for work, her children learn the importance of earning for themselves. Therefore, she acts like an inspiration for her children. For example, a recent article in The Age showed that 80% of the population agreed with the above reason. Besides, being self-dependent could be another positive effect to be taken into taken.

Despite the positive impacts on personal level discussed above regarding the topic, there are some positive effects on national level too. Firstly, supporting the economy could be the main impact to be taken into account. It is generally seen that when a woman works in a country, the productivity of the nation increases. Therefore, she helps in boosting the economy of a country. Also, increased participation in workforce could be another positive impact on national level.

In the end, it is true that women are working along with raising their families; however, it has various positive effects on personal level as well as national level.



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